The Moment Institute



Dr. David Drake is Founder and CEO of The Moment InstituteĀ in Portland, Oregon. He has been a pioneer in the coaching space for 25 years, including as the founder of Narrative Coaching. He has taught this work to over 20,000 practitioners in over 40 countries. His new work, Integrative Development, enables practitioners to help people learn and develop what they need most in the moment.

David has worked with 70 organizations, including ARM, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Dropbox, Google, Logitech, Nike, PwC, and many government agencies. He has helped them integrate coaching into how work gets done and transform how they develop people. He is Learning & Development Advisor for Ovida, an AI-informed start-up that accelerates the development of better communication skills for coaches, leaders and others.

David earned his PhD in Human & Organizational Development from Fielding Graduate University in California, and he is a Thought Leader for the Institute of Coaching at Harvard. He He has presented to 25 universities and professional associations around the world, including the opening keynote on using attachment theory to develop leaders for the first International Coaching Psychology Congress in London. He is the author of 70 publications, including as co-editor of SAGE Handbook of Coaching (2016) and as author ofĀ Narrative Coaching: The Definitive Guide to Bringing New Stories to LifeĀ (2018).

David also works as a witness, healer, and guide for individuals on their own, in retreats and in collective spaces. He is widely known for his work with The Three Chairs and creating other powerful and improvisational experiences in the moment. He is an alchemist who can work with whatever is in the space to reveal the gold that is present. He offers a calm and steady presence which creates the secure base from which people can grow.